First nice to have while developing in Symfony

If you are doing Symfony you probably already know that you should frequently clear the project cache.

By typing this command:

project_folder> symfony clear cache

Very often we need to look at the browser and do a page refresh to get new addings displayed.
Press F5 in the browser, waiting… and nothing is changed!!

WTF?! Oh, I forgot to clear the cache. Continue reading “First nice to have while developing in Symfony”

Going deeper into Symfony

Started working with Symfony framework.

This is brilliant product and now I can’t imagine how I was working without it before.

To all PHP developers: if you want to make your projects more easily and with nice possibilities to extend it in future you should try this.
You like it!

I’ll reflect my gained knowledge here in my blog.

You also can buy Symfony book on Amazon:
