Going deeper into Symfony

Started working with Symfony framework.

This is brilliant product and now I can’t imagine how I was working without it before.

To all PHP developers: if you want to make your projects more easily and with nice possibilities to extend it in future you should try this.
You like it!

I’ll reflect my gained knowledge here in my blog.

You also can buy Symfony book on Amazon:




PixelottoReport – Who & How Much

Project name: PixelottoReport.com

Project Start Date: 7th of December, 2006

Brief description:

This project is dedicated to all Pixelotto.com advertisers and aimed to show them statistics from well known website by Alex Tew www.pixelotto.com

You can get there the following statistic information:

1. Tops of advertisers
2. Who & How much money spend on ads
3. Traffic statistic. But only for registeres users. Click to get to know how to register.

I’ve started this project as soon as I got information of pixelotto.com start.
The two nearest days was in aggresive development and in two days I’ve got this website.
Also there is blog for this website – “Live from Pixelotto” where many advertisers, Pixelotto haters and Pixelotto fans are sharing their ideas.

How to Track Clicks on AdSense ads with Google Analytics

Have fould nice script that tracks clicks on your AdSense ads with Google Analytics.


How does it work?

Setup is quite simple. Small javascript file is added to your web page and that’s it. This script listens for ad clicks and reports them to Google Analytics (analytics code has to be already installed in the web pages). GoogleAnalytics interface is than used to interpret tracking results.

Big thanks to original poster and here is more details in the original article Tracking AdSense clicks with Google Analytics